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Recent movie adventures

11 January 2014 - Pittsburgh

Warning: includes spoilers.

Thoughts on some recently watched movies:

Bulletproof Monk: terrible. Skipped large sections. On the plus side, it passes the Bechdel test!

Red Dawn (2012): enjoyable, though I spent large parts of the movie expecting what happens to Chris Hemsworth’s character to happen to several of the protagonists. Romance was used as motivation, which worked well. Also, somewhat unexpectedly, all the minority protagonists die.

Saving Mr. Banks: watching Emma Thompson always makes me smile, even when the character’s actions make me cringe. Loved the recording at the end and Paul Giamatti as the driver. Colin Farrell returns as drunk ne’er do well, surprising no one.

Frozen: it features Idina Menzel–done. Liked the reindeer, disliked the snowman as auxiliary humor characters, although the “can-I-tell-him” schtick was hilarious. The twist involving a sneak villain worked well, but keeping the villain hidden meant no villain anthem. =\

Jack Reacher: enjoyable as background noise mostly since I recognized lots of Pittsburgh locations.

The Hobbit, Part Two: better than expected. Enjoyed Martin Freeman as Bilbo. Pleasantly surprised by Tauriel (obligatory female character).

Superbad: reduced me to a gibbering wreck. Sometimes offensively funny, but often just embarrassing. Enjoyed the mockery of high-school dreams, though.

Random Jackie-Chan movie: how did I forget the man’s physical artistry?